they said what??

I am continuously humbled

by the words of my clients.

Read on.

I am continuously humbled

by the words of my clients.

Read on.

Shortly after her session

I received this text...

1:1 Client

For the first time in my life, I feel really good.

A little about me: High functioning anxiety, clinical depression, fatigue and hopelessness have been a common daily thread in my life. I was my own worst enemy and in short, I hated almost everything about myself – my body, my appearance, the expectations I had for myself. I’d been to therapists that helped me with some of my issues, but still felt something was missing and like we had barely scratched the surface.

I was reluctant to start coaching with Dr. Nicole. After all, I’m the one who helps other people, not the other way around. Vulnerability is my biggest fear, even though I know deep down inside a lot of my issues are much like what most others struggle with. I was terrified to get on board, but thank God I did. Nicole has been surprisingly easy to open up to and be vulnerable with. She doesn’t judge, truly (I’ve had problems with this in the past every time I’ve reached out for help).

As it turns out, I’ve been caught in my own ridiculous story my entire life. I’m now learning to not judge myself, and more importantly, love myself, like actually LOVE myself!! My inner pessimist is dumbfounded. I’m not a ticking time bomb of anger, sadness or resentment anymore. I’m learning to feel emotions and let them out instead of resisting. I’ve only just begun this journey, but for the first time in my life, I feel really good about where I’m going. Dr. Nicole has given me the tools and insight that I’ve needed for these breakthroughs and I can only imagine where I’ll be at the end of my program.

Kathryn G.

Kathryn G.

For the first time in my life, I feel really good.

A little about me: High functioning anxiety, clinical depression, fatigue and hopelessness have been a common daily thread in my life. I was my own worst enemy and in short, I hated almost everything about myself – my body, my appearance, the expectations I had for myself. I’d been to therapists that helped me with some of my issues, but still felt something was missing and like we had barely scratched the surface.

I was reluctant to start coaching with Dr. Nicole. After all, I’m the one who helps other people, not the other way around. Vulnerability is my biggest fear, even though I know deep down inside a lot of my issues are much like what most others struggle with. I was terrified to get on board, but thank God I did. Nicole has been surprisingly easy to open up to and be vulnerable with. She doesn’t judge, truly (I’ve had problems with this in the past every time I’ve reached out for help).

As it turns out, I’ve been caught in my own ridiculous story my entire life. I’m now learning to not judge myself, and more importantly, love myself, like actually LOVE myself!! My inner pessimist is dumbfounded. I’m not a ticking time bomb of anger, sadness or resentment anymore. I’m learning to feel emotions and let them out instead of resisting. I’ve only just begun this journey, but for the first time in my life, I feel really good about where I’m going. Dr. Nicole has given me the tools and insight that I’ve needed for these breakthroughs and I can only imagine where I’ll be at the end of my program.

Shortly after her session

I received this text...

1:1 Client


After reviewing her Human Design chart

"Breakthrough" seems inadequate...

After reviewing her Human Design Chart...

Dr. Nicole has changed my life.

Before starting her program, I was confused, scared, frustrated, lonely and just had no sense of happiness. After our first visit, I realized I was missing the main piece of life, myself. I had no idea who I was, what I wanted, or how to feel. She has a way of putting things into words that make you go, “AH! YES!!! That is exactly it!”

She invests everything she has into our meetings and always knows how to help. Because of Dr. Nicole, I do not have to hide behind a fake smile anymore, and the “holes in my roof” are beginning to be patched. She is willing to go out of her way to help me. She listens to everything I have to say and is willing to help me try to figure things out the natural way. Dr. Nicole has changed my life and I could never thank her enough.

jen P.

Dr. Nicole has changed my life.

Before starting her program, I was confused, scared, frustrated, lonely and just had no sense of happiness. After our first visit, I realized I was missing the main piece of life, myself. I had no idea who I was, what I wanted, or how to feel. She has a way of putting things into words that make you go, “AH! YES!!! That is exactly it!”

She invests everything she has into our meetings and always knows how to help. Because of Dr. Nicole, I do not have to hide behind a fake smile anymore, and the “holes in my roof” are beginning to be patched. She is willing to go out of her way to help me. She listens to everything I have to say and is willing to help me try to figure things out the natural way. Dr. Nicole has changed my life and I could never thank her enough.

jen P.


Internet people fill me with so much joy

...on several levels :)

From the socials:

Internet people fill me with so much joy

...on several levels. :)